
Vaginal itching and irritation are the most common (and uncomfortable) symptoms women tend to experience. In fact, a recent study revealed that 61% of women experience itching 17 times a year. It can occur at any time and while some minor discomfort may be bearable, you can take action to help stop the itch.


Vaginal itching and irritation can occur even if you don't have a vaginal infection. Vaginal itching and irritation are usually characterized by a tingling, stinging or burning sensation of the external skin surrounding the vaginal area. The itching can range from mild to severe and can come and go at any time. You do not have to have a vaginal infection to experience vaginal itching and irritation.


Feminine itching can be caused by a number of factors. Some of the most common are associated with:

  • Irritants from chemicals found in soaps, detergents, fabric softeners, douches, topical contraceptives
  • Vaginal Infections
  • Fluctuations in estrogen levels due to menopause
  • Irritation caused by urinary incontinence
  • Allergic reactions or medicinal side effects
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or atopic dermatitis


Vaginal itching and irritation occurs occasionally for all women and relieving the symptoms temporarily by applying a topical Gel like V-Secure  can be very effective. It moisturizes the intimate skin, keeps it soft and healthy. Some times itch is due to dryness of the intimate skin. It stops the itch and helps to heal the skin due to its various natural ingredients. In fact, 95% of women agree that it helped stop the external itch and provided long-lasting relief. If the itch persists, make sure to see your doctor.

For external use only.  Do not use if you have vaginal discharge. Consult a doctor. Note: V- Secure vaginal gel CANNOT cure a vaginal infection but its use can often prevent vaginal infections.


Bad Habits to avoid:

  • Wearing nylon or synthetic underwear material
  • Wearing tight-fitting clothing
  • Using products that might irritate the skin around the vaginal area like soaps, perfumes, bubble baths, deodorants, scented creams, fabric softeners or toilet paper, etc.

Good Habits to Practice:

  • Rinse well in the shower to avoid lingering soap residue on skin. Ideally use V-Secure Spray Wash instead of soaps to maintain pH levels adequately.
  • Allow skin to dry fully before dressing
  • Use products like V-Secure Vaginal Gel regularly that are specifically for sensitive intimate skin’s health

When to See Your Doctor

It’s important to see your doctor if you have persistent vaginal itching. Or, if the itching is combined with another symptom like suspicious or abnormal discharge, consult a doctor.